Previous experiments demonstrated consistent individual behavioral dif
ferences in pigs. Some showed a more active behavioral response (so-ca
lled A/R pigs), others a more passive behavioral response (so-called N
A/NR pigs). In the present study we selected 32 A/R and 32 NA/NR indiv
iduals and tested them individually in an open field at 3 (OF1) and 8
weeks of age (OF2). Individual response patterns were remarkably consi
stent between OF1 and OF2. While more A/R than NA/NR pigs made escape
attempts, the A/R ones vocalized less, and were less inhibited to appr
oach novel objects in OF1 and OF2, although they spent less time in ex
ploring these objects than NA/NR pigs. Cortisol (CS) level after OF1 i
ncreased in A/R pigs but did not change in NA/NR ones, while CS level
in OF2 remained constant in A/R pigs but decreased in NA/NR pigs. CS r
esponse to ACTH 1-39 was measured at 3 and 8 weeks of age but did not
differ between types. Basal CS level was higher in NA/NR than in A/R p
igs and accompanied by adrenal hypertrophy. Mean heart rate (HR) was h
igher of A/R pigs compared to NA/NR ones in two backtests. HR of A/R p
igs substantially increased (23.9 bpm = 15.5%) in reaction to the nove
l object in OF2, while HR of NA/NR ones only slightly increased (4.5 b
pm = 2.9%), or even decreased (bradycardia). A/R pigs had more often h
eart deviations than NA/NR ones. The present study demonstrates that t
he two behavioral strategies of pigs are characterized by consistent d
ifferences in behavioral, physiological, and endocrine responses to co
nflict situations.