The histological and transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) appearances at corr
esponding sites of the periphery of the prostate gland have been compa
red in 30 benign and 27 malignant glands taken at autopsy. In the beni
gn series, the histological capsule was frequently absent and correlat
ed poorly with the consistent TRUS findings of a regular, well-defined
'ultrasonic capsule'. It is concluded that 'the capsule' should be re
placed as a tumour-staging landmark by a more realistic terminology. C
arcinoma may be described as intra- or extraprostatic, or confined or
unconfined with respect to the gland. In the malignant glands, there w
as no correlation between morphologically unconfined cancers and irreg
ular or absent ultrasound 'capsule' when corresponding areas were comp
ared. This disparity must contribute to an underestimation of tumour e
xtent with TRUS.