This paper considers the problem of accurately modeling the software f
ault-tolerance technique based on recovery blocks. Models of such syst
ems have been criticized for their assumptions of independence. Analys
is of some systems have considered the correlation between software mo
dules. This correlation may be due to a portion of the functional spec
ification that is common to all software modules or due to the inheren
t hardness of some problems. We consider three types of dependence whi
ch can be captured using measurements. We consider correlation between
software modules for a single input, correlation between successive a
cceptance tests on correct module outputs and incorrect module outputs
, and correlation between subsequent inputs. The technique we use is q
uite general and can be applied to other types of correlation. In acco
unting for dependence, we use the intensity distribution introduced by
Eckhardt and Lee. We consider a new method of generating the intensit
y distribution which is based on the pairwise correlation between modu
les. This method provides us with a pessimistic result and a probabili
ty-based approximation. We contrast this method with the assumption of
independent modules as well as the use of the beta-binomial density w
hich was introduced by Nicola and Goyal. For the purpose of obtaining
numerical results, we use stochastic reward nets (SRN's) that incorpor
ate all of the above dependencies and then use a modeling tool called
Stochastic Petri Net Package (SPNP).