Let x(1) less-than-or-equal-to ... less-than-or-equal-to x(n) and y(1)
less-than-or-equal-to ... less-than-or-equal-to y(m) be samples of or
der statistics from two populations F1 and F2, respectively. When the
scores, say, are pooled and ordered, we address the question 'what is
the probability that the r largest x order statistics appear on a shor
tlist of k individuals?' This question underlies the selection of stud
ents, or of candidates for a job, and has implications in the selectio
n process. We study this model for general F1 and F2. Tables are given
to calculate probabilities when F1 and F2 are normal distributions th
at differ only by location, and also when F1 and F2 are normal distrib
utions with different means and variances, but there is only one x-val