Expression of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli often results i
n the formation of insoluble inclusion bodies. Within the last few yea
rs specific methods and strategies have been developed to prepare acti
ve proteins from these inclusion bodies. These methods include (i) iso
lation of inclusion bodies after disintegration of cells by mechanical
forces and purification by washing with detergent solutions or low co
ncentrations of denaturant, (ii) solubilization of inclusion bodies wi
th high concentrations of urea or guanidine-hydrochloride in combinati
on with reducing reagents, and (iii) renaturation of the proteins incl
uding formation of native disulphide bonds. Renatured and native disul
phide bond formation are accomplished by (a) either air oxidation, (b)
glutathione reoxidation starting from reduced material, or (c) disulp
hide interchange starting from mixed disulphides containing peptides.
The final yield of renatured proteins can be increased by adding low c
oncentrations of denaturant during renaturation.