The venting at the northern Peru convergent margin, unlike at other ma
rgins, has produced large barite deposits, which have not been observe
d outside the vents. The Sr-87/Sr-86 isotopic ratios of the fluids are
more radiogenic than seawater. To explain these elevated values, we p
ropose either the influence of a fluid characterized by a more radioge
nic signature originating from the continent, or a reaction between se
awater and the underlying continental metamorphic basement. The presen
ce of this nonlocal radiogenic component is marked more strongly on th
e Sr-87/Sr-86 ratios measured in the barite deposits. We assume that t
he fluid sampled at the venting site and the fluid responsible for the
barite deposit sampled at the same site originated from the same sour
ce, i.e., the Paleozoic metamorphic basement of the Andean continental