Pig dysentery is a transmissible enteritis, mainly seen in fattening p
igs. It provokes chronic mucohemorrhagic diarrhoea which is responsibl
e for weight lost and mortality. It is caused by the pathogenic action
of a spirochaete, identified as Serpula (Serpulina) hyodysenteriae. T
his spirochaete is also pathogenic for the mouse, guinea-pig and chick
and can be revealed by direct microscopic examination using a black b
ackground and immonofluorescence. However, it is better to culture the
bacterium usign a special medium hich allows precise identification a
nd the differentiation from other non-pathogenic spirochaetes, such as
, Serpula (Serpulina) innocens. It is now possible to identify the bac
terium directly in faecal material with DNA probes. Infection is follo
wed by immunity induced by the bacterial endotoxin, but different sero
types exist, which do not give cross-immunity. Vaccine preparation the
refore requires a thorough knowledge of the serotypes involved in the
different affected areas.