Packed-tower, countercurrent air-stripping is widely used to remove vo
latile organic compounds from contaminated water. An air stripper is d
esigned using a well-developed mathematical model of the process. Howe
ver, the number of variables in the model exceeds the number of constr
aining equations by two, with the result that a number of alternative
air-stripper designs are possible for a particular water treatment obj
ective. To select one or several designs associated with minimum capit
al and operating costs, it is necessary to develop a large number of p
ossible designs and to estimate the costs associated with each. The ai
r-stripper design and costing (ASDC) program, a microcomputer-based pu
blic-domain program, automates the iterative design and cost calculati
ons and thus enables rapid, preliminary evaluation of alternative air-
stripper designs and associated costs. In this article, the design met
hodology and cost-estimation techniques incorporated in ASDC are descr
ibed, and ASDC cost predictions are compared with costs reported for a
ctual operating air strippers.