Tk. Obrien et Rh. Martin, ROUND-ROBIN TESTING FOR MODE-I INTERLAMINAR FRACTURE-TOUGHNESS OF COMPOSITE-MATERIALS, Journal of composites technology & research, 15(4), 1993, pp. 269-281
This report summarizes the results of several interlaboratory ''round
robin'' test programs for measuring the Mode I interlaminar fracture t
oughness of advanced fiber-reinforced composite materials. Double cant
ilever beam (DCB) tests were conducted by participants in ASTM Committ
ee D-30 on High Modulus Fibers and Their Composites and by representat
ives of the European Group on Fracture (EGF) and the Japanese Industri
al Standards Group (JIS). DCB tests were performed on three AS4 carbon
fiber-reinforced composite materials: AS4/3501-6 with a brittle epoxy
matrix. AS4/BP907 with a tough epoxy matrix, and AS4/PEEK with a toug
h thermoplastic matrix. Difficulties encountered in manufacturing pane
ls, as well as conducting the tests, are discussed. Critical issues th
at developed during the course of the testing are highlighted. Results
of the round robin testing used to determine the precision of the AST
M DCB test standard are summarized.