The records of 21 horses with an adenoma of the pars intermedia of the
pituitary gland were reviewed. The animals comprised nine Dutch warmb
lood horses and 12 ponies. They ranged in age from 12 to 30 years (mea
n +/- sem 21 +/- 1.3 years) for 20 of the horses, and comprised 13 gel
dings and eight mares. All the animals showed hirsutism. In 1991, nine
horses were diagnosed as having the adenoma, equivalent to 0.5 per ce
nt of the horses examined in 1991. The mean +/- sem survival time of f
our of the horses (from discharge to the development of complications
which required euthanasia) was 192 +/- 59 days (range 120 to 368 days)
. Routine biochemical measurements were within their normal ranges exc
ept for a high alkaline phosphatase activity (768 +/- 487 iu/litre) an
d a high plasma glucose concentration (7.8 +/- 0.9 mmol/litre) in 16 o
f the horses; only six had a glucose concentration above 9.0 mmol/litr
e. The basal plasma concentration of adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACT
H) in the diseased horses was at least 191 pg/ml. Eight of the horses
had mean plasma cortisol concentrations before and after the administr
ation of 25 iu of synthetiC ACTH1-24 of 168 +/- 21 (range 74 to 248) a
nd 478 +/- 58 nmol/litre (range 248 to 771), respectively. Analysis of
the urine of rive of the horses revealed a mean specific gravity of 1
.034 +/- 0.0034 (range 1.025 to 1.045). It is concluded that the measu
rement of the basal ACTH concentration in combination with an ACTH-sti
mulation test is a suitable method for the diagnosis of an adenoma of
the pars intermedia of the pituitary gland in horses.