The GTP-binding protein G(o) was localized immunohistochemically in th
e rat parotid gland and in other exocrine glands with specific G(o) an
tibodies. Immunohistochemical studies revealed that affinity-purified
G(o alpha) polyclonal antibody (GO/85) immunoreacted primarily with du
ct cells of the rat parotid gland; immunoreactivity was also noted in
duct cells of the rat submandibular, mouse parotid, and mouse submandi
bular glands. Light labeling of rat parotid and submandibular gland ac
inar cells was also noted. G(o alpha) antiserum (9072) differing in sp
ecificity for epitopes within G(o alpha) produced similar results. Thi
s antiserum also immunoreacted with rat submandibular duct cell secret
ory granule membranes. In contrast, in rat and mouse pancreas G(o alph
a) antibodies immunoreacted primarily with islet cells. Duct cells wer
e negative but there was light labeling of rat pancreatic acinar cells
. The apparent duct specificity of G(o alpha) staining was further ver
ified by demonstrating that G(o alpha) antibodies immunoreacted with H
SG-PA cells, a human transformed salivary duct cell line. Specificity
in immunohistochemical labeling of HSG-PA cells was confirmed by Weste
rn blot analysis. The results demonstrate that G(o) appears to be sele
ctively expressed in the duct cells of rat parotid gland and other sal
ivary glands. The selective enrichment of G(o) in duct cells suggests
that this G-protein plays an important role in duct cell physiology.