Psychogenic seizures are unusual after age 60 years. A 73-year-old wom
an had onset of psychogenic seizures at age 69 years. Five to six atta
cks occurred each month, usually at night, characterized by an initial
subjective sensation and headache followed by generalized stiffening
and shaking. Continuous EEG-closed circuit television (EEG-CCTV) monit
oring clearly showed these episodes to be nonepileptic. Discontinuatio
n of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) did not increase the frequency or seve
rity of attacks. Epileptiform discharges were not recorded during the
awake, drowsy, or sleeping states. Psychiatric evaluation identified s
ignificant turmoil in the patient's life and a history of childhood se
xual and physical abuse. Psychogenic seizures may begin in old age and
should be considered in the differential diagnosis of intractable sei
zures in the elderly. Predominantly nocturnal occurrence should not ex
clude the diagnosis.