After restorative proctocolectomy, both men and women report an improv
ed sexual life primarily because of a better general health. Sexual dy
sfunction has been reported by a few men who complain of lack of or re
trograde ejaculation (2 %) or impotence (3 %). Sexual dysfunction, esp
ecially dyspareunia, can persist in as many as 20 % of women after ile
oanal anstomosis, but is less severe than preoperatively in most and i
s less common than after ileostomy, whether continent or not. Women wi
th an ileal pouch-anal anastomosis can conceive, and have had successf
ul deliveries, either vaginally or by cesarean section, without long-t
erm detrimental effects on ileal reservoir function. Indeed, stool fre
quency increased and continence worsened in a small group of ileoanal
anastomosis women but the changes were minimal and returned to predeli
very status 3 months after delivery.