Purpose. To determine the presence and localization of apolipoprotein
A-I, a marker for high density lipoprotein, and apolipoprotein B, a ma
rker for low density lipoprotein, in human cornea; to examine the rela
tionship of these lipoprotein markers with areas of lipid accumulation
in the cornea. Methods. A-I and B apolipoproteins were localized in f
rozen sections of human corneas with specific monoclonal antibodies us
ing avidin-biotin immunoperoxidase labelling. Corneal lipid was coloca
lized with apolipoproteins by oil red 0 staining of immunostained sect
ions. Results. Staining data showed that apolipoprotein B and lipid ac
cumulated in the extracellular spaces of peripheral corneal stroma. Ho
wever, their distributions were not coincident. The posterior region o
f peripheral corneal stroma (including Descemet's membrane) often cont
ained lipid without immunodetectable apolipoprotein B. Unexpectedly, a
polipoprotein A-I was associated with many keratocytes throughout the
cornea in addition to an extracellular distribution heaviest in periph
eral cornea. Conclusions. Lipid deposits lacking apolipoprotein B in p
eripheral cornea suggest that if accumulated corneal arcus lipid is de
rived from extracellular deposition of plasma low density lipoprotein,
the low density lipoprotein is altered such that it looses its immuno
reactive apolipoprotein B. The unexpected association of apolipoprotei
n A-I with keratocytes suggests that these cells are either taking up
or synthesizing a protein sharing an immunoreactive epitope with apoli
poprotein A-I.