The present study investigates two cases of three-dimensional wave bre
aking. In the first case, the wave field contains a single frequency w
ith a uniform angular spreading within a given range {-alpha, alpha).
The wave field of the second case consists of a number of frequencies
with a uniform angular spreading applied to each frequency. In both ca
ses, the waves arc designed such that the wave energy is focused at a
given point. Surface elevation in the focusing region is recorded and
parameters such as the breaking-wave height and the crest-front steepn
ess are calculated. It is shown that the wave height, crest elevation,
crest-front steepness, and vertical asymmetry factor, at breaking, ar
e strong functions of the angular spreading, while the crest-rear stee
pness and horizontal asymmetry factor are little affected by the angul
ar spreading. In general, the greater the spreading angle, the bigger
are the breakers. It is hoped that the results obtained here will prov
ide a useful preliminary assessment of the importance of three-dimensi
onality in wave breaking.