Numerical simulations were carried out to investigate the capillary ba
rrier effect and the wicking ability of multilayer earth liner systems
. Two specific cases were studied: a two-layer liner composed of a fin
e- over a coarse-textured material, and a three-layer liner composed o
f a medium-textured material in between a fine- and a coarse-textured
material. Results of the simulations show that a quadratic relationshi
p exists between the thickness of the fine-textured material and the a
rrival time of the wetting front to the interface. At the time the wet
ting front reaches the interface, the width of the lateral spreading w
ithin the fine material is smaller than the thickness of this material
. The lateral spreading and thickness are linearly related. The wickin
g ability of the different materials is more significant under relativ
ely smaller infiltration rates and is controlled by the magnitude of t
he hydraulic diffusivity. For the two-layer liner the criteria of mini
mizing the vertical movement and maximizing the wicking effect within
the fine-textured material conflict. A three-layer liner satisfies bot
h of these criteria. The results for the three-layer system show that
the medium-textured material has more superior wicking properties than
the fine material does.