Muscadine (Vitis rotundifolia Michx.) vineyards can be difficult to es
tablish due to poor vine growth or survival during the first year afte
r planting. Effects of the planting hole (five types), root manipulati
on (three levels), and peat amendment (0% and 50%) on first-year growt
h were studied at two sites with different soil types: a sandy loam (w
ell-drained) and a silty loam (moderately well-drained). The planting
hole had the major effect at both sites; large holes (25 liters) shove
led with straight or angled sides resulted in more shoot and root dry
weight and greater total root length than auger holes (21 liters) or s
mall shovel holes (10 liters). Vine response to planting in a subsoil
slot 0.5 m deep x 6 m long was similar to that in large holes in sandy
soil and small holes in heavier soil. Root manipulation treatments ha
d little effect on vine establishment. Root pruning at planting, with
or without root separation, did not increase vine dry weight relative
to an undisturbed root ball in either soil type, but total root length
was increased by root pruning in the heavier silty loam soil. Peat am
endment increased total root length in the sandy soil but not in the s
ilty loam soil.