Combarbalita is the local name of an ornamental stone formed by advanc
ed argillic alteration of volcanic materials. Combarbalita is mined as
a decorative stone from quarries that are near the town of Combarbala
(31-degrees 19'S-70-degrees 59'W) in the Coquimbo Region. The rock is
fragmented and shows flow-texture. The principal minerals are kaolini
te and alunite, with minor presence of hematite and quartz. Its color
is determined by the relative abundance of the following minerals or m
ineral mixtures: hematite (reddish), hematite-kaolinite (pink-brown),
kaolinite (white) and schlossmacherite (turquoise green). Combarbalita
has unusually high concentrations of Sr, As and Pb (trace elements).
The advanced argillic alteration that formed combarbalita, probably, o
ccurred during the interval 80-70 Ma, which affected volcanic rocks er
upted during Barremian-Albian time.