In this article, studies on close relationships among kibbutz adolesce
nts are reviewed. The case of the kibbutz is examined in terms of the
balance between relationship with parents and relationship with peers
in the kibbutz as compared to the city and moshav, as well as within t
he kibbutz between communal vs. familial sleeping arrangements. The re
viewed studies address three issues: Intimacy with a best friend; self
-disclosure and emotional expression toward peers, parents, and figure
s outside the family; and peer group relations Studies on intimacy in
young adults, married adults, and parent-daughter relationships are co
nsidered as pointing to the possible consequences of the patterns obse
rved during adolescence. Differences in intimacy and emotional express
ion among adolescents in the different settings are interpreted in ter
ms of the effects of structural variables (sleeping arrangement, degre
e of contact with parents and peers) being a marker for greater peer i
nvolvement. It is argued that adolescents are likely to maintain their
more inhibited pattern of expression of intimacy into adulthood when
they stay in the same setting. Change in the level of expressed intima
cy is likely to occur in adulthood, with change of setting. Based on c
ross-sectional studies it is speculated that it is possible to close d
evelopmental gaps in intimacy at a later stage, thus supporting a situ
ational-based pattern of intimacy and closeness.