This article extends research on the effects of living in non-intact f
amily types during childhood find adolescence on high school graduatio
n. Data from the National Survey of Families and Households show that
not only do ?rears spent in mother-only families have a negative effec
t on high school graduation but so do years spent in mother-stepfather
and father-stepmother families. In addition, living only with grandpa
rents or other relatives has a negative effect as does living on own.
These effects are additive so that the more years spent in nonintact f
amilies, the lower the chances of graduating high school. The research
also shows that the effects of years spent in nonintact families do n
ot vary much by family type at birth, age at experience, gender or yea
r of birth. However, years in mother-stepfather familes were negative
for whiles but not for blacks.