The influence of the dipole-dipole interaction on the final atomic sta
te of a two-atom system driven by a coherent laser field and damped by
a broad-band squeezed vacuum is discussed. It is shown that in the ab
sence of a coherent laser field the final atomic state is independent
of the dipole-dipole interaction and can be the pure two-atom squeezed
state only if detuning of the squeezed vacuum field from atomic reson
ance is equal to zero. In the presence of a coherent laser field, the
final atomic state depends on the dipole-dipole interaction. As the la
tter increases, the final atomic state shifts from a mixed state to th
e pure two-atom squeezed state. However, this happens only if the driv
ing field and the squeezed field frequencies are tuned to the atomic t
ransition frequency. For the driving field and the squeezed vacuum fie
ld frequencies detuned from atomic resonance the system decays into a
mixed state irrespective of the dipole-dipole interaction between the