Laser optical pumping in law magnetic field provides very high nuclear
polarizations in gaseous helium mixtures, and is used to prepare pola
rized liquid. Wall relaxation in glass cells is efficiently reduced us
ing cesium coatings, and bulk longitudinal relaxation times are measur
ed. In highly magnetized samples, dipolar fields control the spin dyna
mics in anisotropic volumes and weak external magnetic field inhomogen
eities. Long lived magnetostatic modes are observed by pulsed NMR. Det
ailed analysis of their frequency and damping gives information on mag
netization density and spin diffusion coefficient in polarized mixture
s. Experiments are performed above 0.2 K on mixtures with He-3 concent
rations of order a few percents or larger. When phase separation occur
s, the He-3-rich phase retains a high polarization.