A simulation model of sequence-dependent amplification, unequal crossi
ng over and mutation is analyzed. This model predicts the spontaneous
formation of tandem-repetitive patterns of noncoding DNA from arbitrar
y sequences for a wide range of parameter values. Natural selection is
found to play an essential role in this self-organizing process. Natu
ral selection which is modeled as a mechanism for controlling the leng
th of a nucleotide string but not the sequence itself favors the forma
tion of tandem-repetitive structures. Two measures of sequence heterog
eneity, inter-repeat variability and repeat length, are analyzed in de
tail. For fixed mutation rate, both inter-repeat variability and repea
t length are found to increase with decreasing rates of (unequal) cros
sing over. The results are compared with data on micro-, mini- and sat
ellite DNAs. The properties of minisatellites and satellite DNAs resem
ble the simulated structures very closely. This suggests that unequal
crossing over is a dominant long-range ordering force which keeps thes
e arrays homogeneous even in regions of very low recombination rates,
such as at satellite DNA loci. Our analysis also indicates that in reg
ions of low rates of (unequal) crossing over, inter-repeat variability
is maintained at a low level at the expense of much larger repeat uni
ts (multimeric repeats), which are characteristic of satellite DNA. In
contrast, the microsatellite data do not fit the proposed model well,
suggesting that unequal crossing over does not act on these very shor
t tandem arrays.