Tree legumes play a vital role in many agroforestry systems currently
in use throughout the world. Because of their multipurpose nature they
can be used to provide high quality fodder for livestock, nutrient ri
ch mulch for crops, fuelwood and timber, microenvironment amelioration
, ecosystem stability, and human food. Tree legumes are increasingly b
eing used to provide fodder for livestock, as they have a number of un
ique characteristics which make them attractive for both smallholder a
nd large-scale livestock enterprises. Research and development efforts
have concentrated on broadening the resource base by evaluating a gre
ater range of tree legume genera, defining optimum management strategi
es, and developing appropriate systems which capitalize on the advanta
ges of these species. This paper reviews the role of tree legumes in a
groforestry, especially for fodder purposes, outlines the areas of cur
rent research focus, and endeavors to highlight some gaps in our knowl
edge which require further research effort.