We questioned 104 consecutive eye casualty patients about any visual d
isturbance experienced while wearing an eye patch as part of their tre
atment. Many (31%) reported momentary loss of vision in the uncovered
eye. Some experienced this while driving. It was more common (p<0.0008
) if the `dominant eye' had been patched (47%) rather than the `non-do
minant eye' (16%). In a separate experiment, a number of co-operative
subjects were provided with a translucent-coloured occluder to be worn
over each eye in turn. They reported a recurring coloured interferenc
e in the uncovered eye sparing the monocular crescent. We propose that
the loss of vision in the unpatched eye is due to binocular rivalry s
uppression by the patched eye. This visual disturbance may be a cause
of anxiety or risk for the patient. Patched patients should be warned
this may occur, and advised to avoid driving or operating machinery.