Canola has the potential for production in a doublecropping system in
the southeastern Coastal Plain, but little information is known about
its fertility requirements when grown in this region. This two-year fi
eld study was conducted to determine the effect of boron (B) and nitro
gen (N) on canola growth and yield. Nine combinations of five N rates
ranging from 45 to 225 kg/ha, with and without 1.68 kg B/ha, were eval
uated at Blackville SC, on a Plinthic Paleudult. Canola plants receivi
ng foliar B had a 6.5% higher yield than those receiving no B for the
combined 1990 and 1991 data. Compared to plants which received no B, w
hole plant tissue analysis at beginning bloom detected a 50% higher B
concentration for plants receiving B application 25 days earlier. Seed
yield was affected by N rate both years, and there was a significant
year by N interaction. In 1990 yields increased as the N rate increase
d, whereas in 1991 yields peaked at 135 kg/ha N and declined at higher
N rates. These data suggest that, on a typical Coastal Plain soil, ca
nola will respond to the application of foliar B, and requires approxi
mately 135 kg N/ha.