We compared endocrine function in patients with the HIV wasting syndro
me with other HIV-positive patients without wasting to determine assoc
iations between endocrine dysfunction and wasting. Sixty-six HIV-serop
ositive patients were evaluated by thyroid, gonadal, and adrenal funct
ion tests. Fourteen of these patients met the clinical definition of w
asting. Total and free testosterone levels were significantly lower in
patients with wasting compared with patients without wasting with bot
h similar and higher mean CD4 counts. Prolactin levels were significan
tly higher, and cortisol levels were higher with borderline significan
ce in patients with wasting compared with patients with similar CD4 co
unts without wasting. These findings suggest that endocrine function i
n the HIV wasting syndrome differs from that of HIV-infected patients
without wasting, which may have implications about the pathogenesis an
d treatment of the HIV wasting syndrome.