Neuromuscular diseases occur in as many as 50% of patients infected wi
th human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). All forms of neuromusc
ular disease have been reported, including axonal neuropathy, demyelin
ating neuropathy, mononeuropathy multiplex, polyradiculitis, ALS-like
syndromes, disorders of neuromuscular transmission, myopathy, and toxi
c neuropathies due to medication side effects. Neuromuscular disease i
s often the presenting manifestation of HIV-1 infection. Infection wit
h cytomegalovirus (CMV) is associated with different types of neuropat
hy including mononeuritis multiplex and polyradiculopathy. There is ef
fective treatment for many of the associated disorders including chron
ic inflammatory demyelinating neuropathy, CMV-mediated neuropathies, a
nd myopathy. Treatment of CMV-mediated mononeuropathy multiplex may be
life saving. The different neuromuscular syndromes associated with di
fferent stages of HIV-1 infection may be due, in part, to different le
vels of immunocompetence.