In eukaryotes, ubiquitin (Ub)-dependent proteolysis is essential for b
ulk protein turnover as well as diverse processes including cell-cycle
control, differentiation, antigen presentation, and the stress respon
se(1-3). Generally, multiple ubiquitins are added onto a substrate to
form an isopeptide-linked 'polyubiquitin' chain, which targets substra
tes for degradation by the 26S proteasome(4-7). The specificity of Ub-
dependent degradation was thought to depend primarily on the selection
of targets for ubiquitination, but recently we have reported evidence
(8) for a second level of specificity in which (poly)Ub-protein conjug
ates are partitioned among two fates: degradation of the protein subst
rate by the 26S proteasome; and disassembly by Ub isopeptidase(s) to r
egenerate the protein substrate. Potentially, an isopeptidase could in
fluence degradation by 'editing' (poly)Ub-protein conjugates according
to the extent of ubiquitination rather than the structure of the ubiq
uitination target itself. Here we describe a bovine isopeptidase that
is well suited to such an editing function because of its unique local
ization and specificity, This enzyme is an intrinsic subunit of PA700,
the 19S regulatory complex of the 26S proteasome. By disassembling th
e degradation signal from only the distal end of (poly)Ub chains, this
isopeptidase can selectively rescue poorly ubiquitinated or slowly de
graded Ub-protein conjugates from proteolysis.