Dew. Leaver et Sl. Additon, ALWR UTILITY REQUIREMENTS DOCUMENT CONTAINMENT PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 145(3), 1993, pp. 307-319
U.S. utilities, with substantial support from international utilities,
are leading the industry-wide Advanced Light Water Reactor (ALWR) Pro
gram. This program is establishing a technical foundation for the next
generation of LWRs through development of a comprehensive set of desi
gn requirements for the ALWR in the form of a Utility Requirements Doc
ument (URD). The approach in the URD for severe accidents involves two
main efforts: (1) accident prevention through intrinsic design charac
teristics, backed up by reliable safety systems to prevent core damage
, and (2) incorporation of design features to ensure severe accident m
itigation and containment for the full spectrum of postulated accident
s, including core melt accidents. For containment performance, twenty-
three severe accident containment challenges are identified, a matrix
of design features and operating characteristics is specified to addre
ss the challenges, and a preliminary evaluation of the URD indicates t
hat requirements are adequate for addressing each of the challenges. F
urther, the URD requires evaluation of the containment response to sev
ere accidents. The key conclusions from this effort are: that severe a
ccident challenges are being systematically and explicitly addressed i
n the design of ALWRs; that margin exists between the loads predicted
to result from severe accidents and the Service Level C limits; and th
at, for a realistic new design basis source term that is expected to b
ound that from any credible severe accident sequence, the site boundar
y dose is less than 0.5 rem given the predicted intact containment per