Movement and settlement patterns of animal offspring, along with the c
osts of occupying familiar and unfamiliar habitats, have been inferred
frequently, but rarely have they been documented directly. To obtain
such information, we monitored the individual fates of 205 (94%) of th
e 219 offspring born over 3 yr in a population of the North American r
ed squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus), at Fort Assiniboine, Alberta, C
anada (54.20 degrees N, 114.45 degrees W). We located neonates by radi
o-tracking mother squirrels, and thereafter we documented the movement
s, survival, and settlement patterns of the offspring, using a combina
tion of telemetry, live-trapping, and visual observations. Prior to se
ttlement, offspring made forays of up to 900 m ((X) over bar = 126 m)
off the natal territory, but they did not abandon the natal territory
until they had settled on their own territory. Foray distance was not
related to the age or size of the offspring. We used the locations of
offspring kills to show that the risk of predation significantly incre
ased when the offspring were travelling off of their natal territories
. Just under half of the 73 offspring that acquired territories did so
on or immediately adjacent to their mother's; the farthest settlement
distance was only 323 m from the natal territory, or about the distan
ce of three territory widths. Movement data from adults in the populat
ion showed that all offspring settled within potential contact of thei
r mother (and possibly their father). Offspring that settled relativel
y farther away from their natal territory were more likely to obtain l
arger territories, with traditional hoarding and overwintering sites (
middens). These offspring also had higher overwinter survival, suggest
ing that the costs of making forays off the natal territory may be bal
anced by the advantages of locating a superior territory.