Three patients with corneal or scleral defects were treated with Gore-
Tex grafting, including one case of corneal ulcer, one case of Mooren'
s ulcer, and one case of necrotizing scleritis. These eyes remained in
flamed after Gore-Tex grafting. The interval between grafting and remo
val ranged from 2 months to 1 year. Pathologically, none of these graf
ts showed evident epithelial or fibrous tissue ingrowth of the Gore-Te
x graft. Fungal inhabitation was noted in one graft, and fungal endoph
thalmitis developed 5 months after graft removal and penetrating kerat
oplasty. Although Gore-Tex offers some advantages, it has disadvantage
s when it is used without adequate conjunctival covering, including po
or epithelialization, poor adhesion between graft and surrounding tiss
ue, and potential infectious route.