Growth of Thermomonospora mesophila on minimal medium (MM) containing
dimeric and trimeric lignin-related compounds was substantially less t
han growth on MM plus glucose. Peroxidase activity using L-DOPA as sub
strate was greatest in glucose-grown cells during the decline phase of
growth, and for the dimer and trimer during exponential growth. Activ
ity for phenoloxidase using L-DOPA as substrate and peroxidase using o
-dianisidineas substrate occurred at similar growth phases. Relatively
high levels of phenoloxidase activity with o-dianisidine as substrate
were observed during exponential growth on glucose which continued in
to the decline phase, whereas with the dimer and trimer the greatest a
ctivities were evident during the exponential growth. The levels of en
zyme activity varied considerably between the assays.