P-31 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy enables us to study
intracellular energy metabolism noninvasively. The present work conce
rns the analysis of a series of P-31 NMR spectra on human muscle durin
g exercise. The spectra contain signals corresponding to certain metab
olites in the sample and the aim is to identify and quantify these sig
nals. We have written a PC program to perform this task automatically.
With the program the results can be achieved substantially faster com
pared to operating with the spectrometer software. The methods impleme
nted in the program and the functions of the program itself are descri
bed. Although we have focused on the P-31 NMR spectrum series, the pro
gram can also be applied to other liquid state NMR spectra. (C) 1997 E
lsevier Science Ireland Ltd.