Metasomatic columns hosted in dolomitic marbles in the thermal aureole
of the Traversella monzodiorite (Ivrea, Italy) differ by their minera
logy and/or mineral composition. Three groups have been distinguished.
In group A, the first zone always contains forsterite-calcite and the
second zone contains clinopyroxene. The last zone is made of wollasto
nite (A 1), andradite-rich garnet (A 2) or grossular-rich garnet (A 3)
. In group B, tremolite instead of forsterite occurs in the first two
zones. In group C columns, there are only two zones and clinohumite or
chondrodite characterize the first zone. Field, petrographic and chem
ical data demonstrate that the occurrence of contrasted mineral zonati
ons in the same protolith has not been induced by local heterogeneitie
s in the dolomitic marbles. The presence of tremolite in group B inste
ad of forsterite is due to the lower temperature prevailing in the ext
ernal part of the contact aureole. Chemical data as well as mu - mu di
agrams suggest that the columns in groups A and C were formed through
the interaction of the dolomitic marbles with fluids with different mu
(Fe2O3), mu(Al2O3) and mu(F). A fluid with low mu(Al2O3) and mu(F2O3)
is assumed for the metasomatic column with wollastonite (A1) and diffe
rent mu(Al2O3)/mu(Fe2O3) values in the fluid are responsible for the f
ormation of columns A2 and A3. The stability of clinohumite or chondro
dite in group C columns has been induced by a higher mu(F) of the flui
d than in the other groups. The presence during the prograde metasomat
ic stage of distinct fluids differing by their mu(Al2O3)/mu(Fe2O3) (Co
lumns A2 and A3) is likely to have been induced by variations in the s
ource composition. Moreover, the low Al and Fe content in column A1 co
uld be due to the reaction of the dolomitic marble with a fluid previo
usly depleted in these components during percolation and reaction with
the country rocks. As shown by isocon diagrams and Gressen's equation
, skarn formation has locally induced both mass and volume change. The
volume decreased in the wollastonite zone of A1 (19%) and in the Fo -
Cc zone of A2 (17%). Mass is always increased except in the wollaston
ite of A1 where it is decreased. Mass balance of major elements has sh
own that Ca is likely to be a perfectly inert component and that Si is
always strongly increased. Moreover, Fe is increased in A2 and A3 whe
reas Al is only increased in A3. Mg is leached in the internal part of
column A1. Quantification of chemical potential diagrams using differ
ent values of mu(Al2O3), mu(Fe2O3), X(F) and T suggests that the succe
ssive zones observed in all types of columns can be obtained along an
increase of mu(SiO2) towards the inner zones. A simultaneous decrease
in mu(MgO) is inferred for group A columns.