When an increasing diode voltage is applied, enhanced field,,emission
of electrons begins from a growing number of small spots or whiskers o
n the cathode surface. This stimulates desorption of weakly bound adso
rbates from the surface of a whisker. The cross section for ionization
of the neutrals has a maximum for almost-equal-to 100 eV electrons. A
s the diode voltage increases, the 100 V equiptotential surface which
moves towards the cathode is met by the desorbed neutrals moving away
from the cathode. This results in the sharp risetime for the onset of
ionization of desorbed neutrals by field emitted electrons. Positive i
ons produced in the ionization region, a few mum from the electron emi
tting spot are accelerated back to the electron emitting spot. This bo
mbardment with almost-equal-to 100 eV ions leads to surface heating of
the spot. Since the ion energy is deposited only within a few atomic
layers at a time instead of an entire whisker volume, and since the ne
utral contaminants are only loosely bound to the surface, the onset of
breakdown by this mechanism requires much less current than the Joule
heating mechanism. The localized buildup of plasma above the electron
emitting spot then naturally leads to pressure and electric field dis
tributions which ignite unipolar arcs. The high current density of the
unipolar arc and the associated surface heating by ions provide the '
'explosive'' formation of a cathode spot plasma.