Blood splash contamination of the conjunctivae or buccal mucosa may oc
cur during angiography and angioplasty. Since there is a risk of contr
acting Hepatitis B or HIV via this route, staff should be aware of thi
s potential source of infection. The use of protective masks and goggl
es or glasses should be considered. We have studied the risk of contam
ination by asking both the radiologist and angiography nul se to wear
spectacles and disposable masks during 100 consecutive angiographic pr
ocedures. The number of splashes was counted at the end of each proced
ure. Blood splashes occurred in seven procedures and there was a total
of 23 splashes during the study. In conclusion, we believe that there
is a significant risk of conjunctival or mucosal contamination with b
lood during angiographic procedures and given the potential seriousnes
s of transmission of Hepatitis B or HIV, radiologists and nursing staf
f must be aware of this risk.