To evaluate the effects on depressive mood of withdrawal of antihypert
ensive medication, we conducted a randomized, multi-center study with
clinical centers at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY
, University of Alabama School of Medicine, Birmingham, and the Univer
sity of Mississippi School of Medicine in Jackson. Patients were forme
rly active participants in the Hypertension Detection and Follow-Up Pr
ogram (HDFP) whose blood pressure was controlled with drugs for a peri
od of 5 years. Of 496 patients, 431 had both baseline and ''1-year'' m
ood scores. Patients, stratified by obesity, were randomized to one of
three groups: continue the HDFP medication; discontinue medication wi
th no dietary intervention, or with sodium restriction and potassium i
ncrease; or, for those overweight, to a weight reduction intervention.
Depression was assessed using the CES-D scale (Center for Epidemiolog
ical Studies-Depressed Mood), administered at baseline and again appro
ximately 1 year after randomization. Of the seven treatment groups, on
ly those who continued their HDFP medication showed significant improv
ement in mood from baseline. The overweight continue-medication group
showed significantly greater improvement compared to the no-drugs, no-
diet intervention groups, and to the overweight sodium-restriction gro
up. Patients who had their blood pressure successfully controlled with
weight reduction had a significant improvement in mood from 11.0 scal
e points to 8.0, P=.006. Comparisons between those withdrawn from diur
etic alone and those withdrawn from both diuretic plus reserpine were
inconclusive. Dietary Intervention Study of Hypertension (DISH) shows
no evidence that continued use of chlorthalidone has a negative impact
on quality of life, while our results concerning reserpine were incon
clusive. With regard to dietary interventions, only those assigned to
weight reduction who succeeded in remaining off drugs had significant
beneficial improvements in mood. Assessment of mood prior to initiatin
g therapy and after several months of treatment may help physicians ev
aluate the effects of particular drugs on mood.