391 milk samples (48 in the year 1991 and 343 in 1992) of nursing moth
ers living in Southern Bavaria, Germany, were analyzed by GC/ECD for t
he synthetic nitro musks musk xylene (CAS No. 81-15-2), musk ketone (C
AS No. 81-14-1), and musk ambrette (CAS No. 83-66-9). Musk ambrette an
d musk ketone were detected in similar amounts ranging from <0.01 - 0.
29 mg/kg fat and <0.01 - 0.24 mg/kg fat, respectively. The mean conten
t for both compounds was 0.04 mg/kg fat. Concentrations of musk xylene
were about 2 - 3 times higher, ranging from 0.01 - 1.22 mg/kg fat wit
h a mean content of 0.10 mg/kg fat. The toxicology of nitro musks is s
ummarized to assess a possible hazard posed by these compounds.