The paper is based on the materials from 19 stations taken during the
6th cruise of the RN ''Akademik loffe'' in February - March, 1992, alo
ng the sections from the Adelaide Island to the Pennella Coast and nor
theastwards of the Balleni Isls. Distribution of some integral estimat
es of plankton abundance is considered. Biomass of seston collected in
the 0 - 1000 m layer by vertical catches with the Judy net of 176 mum
mesh averaged 52.3 +/-6.8 ml/m2, salpa being neglected. In concentrat
ions of salpa at 4 stations their biomass was 521 +/- 172 ml/m2. Chlor
ophyll in the 0 - 200 m layer determined by fluorescence was 50 +/- 4.
9 mg/m2, biomass of heterotrophic bacteria in the same layer was 5.38
+/- 0.36 g/m2. Quantitative variations of seston and chlorophyll were
similar, they did not depend on alternations of the Antarctic water mo
difications and were caused by regional and temporal factors. Their ab
undance areas are supposedly related to local upwellings, and poor one
s - to grazing down by salpa and to the pre-spring seasonal state of t
he community. The east to west successive changes of the vertical prof
iles of seston recorded along the route were a reflection of phase alt
ernations of the annual cycle of plankton. The chlorophyll vertical pr
ofiles differed in the number of peaks, their position and confinement
to definite elements of hydrophysical structure. No changes of these
parameters due to alternations of biological seasons were found. Tempo
ral correlation between bacterio- and phytoplankton abundance was not