A Candida albicans oligopeptide transport gene, OPT1. was cloned from
a C. albicans genomic library through heterologous expression in the S
accharomyces cerevisiae di-/tripeptide transport mutant PB1X-9B. When
transformed with a plasmid harbouring OPT1, S. cerevisiae PB1X-9B, whi
ch did not express tetra-/pentapeptide transport activity under the co
nditions used, was conferred with an oligopeptide transport phenotype,
as indicated by growth on the tetrapeptide Lys-Leu-Leu-Gly, sensitivi
ty to toxic tetra- and pentapeptides, and an increase in the initial u
ptake rate of the radiolabelled tetrapeptide Lys-Leu-Gly-[H-3]Leu. The
level of oligopeptide transport was found to be influenced in the het
erologous host by the source of nitrogen used for growth. The entire 3
.8 kb fragment containing the oligopeptide transport activity was sequ
enced and an ORF of 2349 nucleotides containing a 58 nucleotide intron
was identified. The deduced protein product of 783 amino acid residue
s contained 12 hydrophobic regions suggestive of a membrane transport
protein. Sequence comparisons revealed that similar proteins are encod
ed by genes from S. cerevisiae and Schisosaccharomyces pombe and that
OPT1 is not a member of the ABC or PTR membrane transport families.