Mitochondrial DNA fragments comprising more than 400 bases of the 16S
rDNA from nine spider species have been sequenced: Cupiennius salei, C
. getazi. C. coccineus and Phoneutria boliviensis (Ctenidae), Pisaura
mirabilis, Dolomedes fimbriatus (Pisauridae), Pardosa agrestis (Lycosi
dae), Clubiona pallidula (Clubionidae) and Ryuthela nishihirai (syn. H
eptathela nishihirai; Heptathelidae: Mesothelae). Sequence divergence
ranges from 3-4% among Cupiennius species and up to 36% in pairwise co
mparisons of the more distantly related spider DNAs. Maximally parsimo
nious gene trees based on these sequences indicate that Phoneutria and
Cupiennius are the most distantly related species of the examined Lyc
osoidea. The monophyly of the family Ctenidae is therefore doubted; an
d a revision of the family, which should include DNA-data, is needed.