BRAIN lipids were labelled with [1-C-14]-isethionyl acetimidate and pu
rified by sequential thin layer chromatography. Four labelled peaks we
re obtained, the first ones migrating with the same Rf as glycosyl-pho
sphatidylinositol (GPI). Further proof of the isolation of GPI was obt
ained by the observations that 44.8 % of the radioactivity associated
with the lipid in peak I was converted to the water phase by the effec
t of a PI-specific phospholipase C, and that the soluble material so o
btained produced a dose-dependent inhibition of cAMP-dependent protein
kinase activity. These findings indicate a biological equivalence bet
ween GPI and its polar head group from rat brain and those described i
n other cell types, and are consistent with the proposed role of these
molecules in cellular signalling.