A set of allele-specific oligonucleotide primer pairs has been develop
ed that allows the determination of HLA-DQ genotypes in a rapid, singl
e-step PCR. The primer set unambiguously distinguishes the 18 most com
mon DQ haplotypes in heterozygous as well as homozygous individuals. B
ecause of linkage disequilibrium between the DQ and DR gene loci, accu
rate determination of the DQ haplotypes enables the prediction of the
DR serotype. HLA-DQ genotyping can be performed using DNA from any tis
sue, such as skin and hair roots, as well as from blood cells. It is t
herefore anticipated that HLA-DQ genotyping by PCR will have applicati
ons in forensic science, in the identification of individuals, in rese
arch studies of the role of DQ and DR haplotypes in the pathogenesis o
f autoimmune diseases, and in the rapid matching of organ donor and tr
ansplant recipient pairs.