Background and Methods: We examined the effect on health perceptions o
f a diagnostic workup in 172 patients with suspected multiple sclerosi
s (MS) using two questionnaires (Mishel, Rand Medical Outcome Study) a
nd three visual analogue scales measuring distress. Patients were cate
gorized into ''MS,'' ''not MS,'' or ''still uncertain'' groups. Result
s: Patients with a definitive diagnosis reported a significant decreas
e in uncertainty (analysis of variance [ANOVA] P=.0004). The Medical O
utcome Study showed a slightly worsened perceived current health statu
s (ANOVA P=.02) and future health outlook (ANOVAP=.001) in the MS grou
p compared with the other two groups. Distress over physical symptoms
decreased in all three groups and anxiety was more likely to decrease
than increase even in those with MS. Prognostic uncertainty distress d
ecreased in the not MS group and still uncertain groups, whereas it re
mained unchanged in the MS group (P=.9156). Conclusion: Significant an
d generally beneficial changes in patient health perceptions are seen
associated with a neurologic workup in suspected MS, irrespective of t
he final diagnosis.