Plyometric activities, engaging the muscle in a stretch-shortening cyc
le, are widely used in athletic training. one such plyometric exercise
is drop-jumping, where the athlete drops from a raised platform and i
mmediately on landing performs a maximal vertical jump. These actions
are also performed with the athlete externally loaded by the addition
of weights to provide greater resistance. Exercises which involve repe
ated impacts have been shown to give rise to a loss of stature (shrink
age) which can be measured by means of a sensitive stadiometer. This s
tudy examined the shrinkage induced by unloaded and loaded drop-jumpin
g from a height of 26 cm. Eight male subjects, aged 20-24 years, perfo
rmed the test protocol three times, at the same time of day on each oc
casion. Fifty drop-jumps from a height of 26 cm were performed with no
additional load and with a load of 8-5 kg carried in a weighted vest.
The third condition was a standing trial where the subject stood for
10 min (the time taken to perform the jumps) wearing the weighted vest
. Stature was measured before exercise, immediately after exercise and
after a 20 min standing recovery. On a separate occasion the regimen
was performed and the vertical reaction force was measured using a Kis
tler force platform. The mean change in stature for the two jump condi
tions showed shrinkages of 0.62 (+/- 0.43) mm for unloaded and 2.14 (/- 1.56) mm for the loaded (p < 0.05). The variance in shrinkage was g
reater in the loaded case compared to the unloaded condition (p < 0.05
) indicating a wider range of jumping strategies. Force platform data
showed average peak vertical reaction forces of 3.90 (+/- 0.66) x body
weight and 4.11 (+/- 0.54) x body weight for the unloaded and loaded
conditions, respectively (p < 0.05). The rate of force loading rose fr
om 20742 (+/- 4336) Ns-1 to 28089 (+/- 5116) Ns-1 (p < 0.05) when the
weighted vest was added. There was no correlation between force data a
nd the degree of shrinkage. Results reflect the greater physical stres
s of loaded drop-jumping compared to unloaded.