The dextrane, having its molecular mass of 2000 to 5000, presents a st
rongly reducing character due to the glicezidic-hydroxile in the rest
of terminal glucose. The initial reducing capacity, of approximately 8
% glucose, can be reduced below 2% by dextrane oxidation with iodine e
lectrochemically generated from iodide and continuously regenerated du
ring the reaction. To this end graphite electrodes were used, and the
most convenient concentrations of the electrolyte are as follows : 200
g/l dextrane; 0.05 M potassium iodide, 0.15 M sodium carbonate and 0.
1 M sodium chloride. The current anode density is of 8,0 A/m2, and the
current volumetric density of 1 A/l, the process taking place at ambi
ent temperature and resulting in a product free of toxic compounds.