The biographies and professional contributions of William Bleat, Loren
zo Sazie, Jose Joaquin Aguirre, Manuel Barros Borgono and Gregorio Amu
nategui are depicted Dr Blest, arrived to Chile from Great Britain in
1823, helped to dignify the medical profession in Chile, in high disre
pute by that times and was the first director of the Medical School, f
ounded in 1833. Dr Sazie, coming from France, was the first dean of th
e Faculty of Medicine and remained in this position for almost 20 year
s. He was succeeded by Dr Aguirre a highly skilled surgeon that had th
ree objectives:;to bring up more and better physicians and to bring up
professors for physicians. He was succeeded by Dr Borgono that became
head of the University of Chile in 1902. Dr Amunategui, being the dea
n of Medicine, also became head of the University in 1923. The works o
f Dr Armando Larraguibel and Dr Amador Neghme, who completed the cycle
of the old Faculty are also outlined.