An envelope model is applied to the case of a two-dimensional channel
with ciliated parallel walls. The formulation assumes identical values
of the longitudinal and transverse amplitudes, frequency and waveleng
th of the two walls; it allows for arbitrary phase relations and arbit
rary (not too small) spacing, and it includes an externally imposed pr
essure gradient. General results of a second-order perturbation analys
is of creeping flow are presented. The time-averaged steady mean veloc
ity may be viewed as the sum of two contributions: that of the pressur
e gradient (Poiseuille flow), and that of ciliary-driven motion which,
owing to nonlinearities, also depends on the pressure gradient and re
duces to pure streaming in the absence of a pressure gradient. For zer
o pressure gradient, the ratio of the streaming velocity of the channe
l and that of a single sheet shows the degree to which streaming is au
gmented or impeded by flow interaction. This ratio increases for the s
ymplectic and peristaltic cases, but decreases for the antiplectic cas
e, as the width of the channel decreases for fixed values of phase rel
ation and amplitudes. The net flow arising from streaming and pressure
gradient is shown as pump characteristics, and associated efficiencie
s are given. The results indicate that propulsion (pumping) is greates
t and most effective for symplectic metachronism in ciliated channels
with predominantly transverse waves, that it is nearly as good for per
istaltic motion, but that it is considerably inferior for antiplectic
metachronism in channels with predominantly longitudinal waves.