THE tat gene of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) plays a central
role in the activation and life cycle of HIV. The tat protein (Tat) s
pecifically transactivates HIV transcription in vivo and in vitro1-8,
exerting its effects at the level of transcriptional initiation and el
ongation. Here we report that Tat binds directly to the basal transcri
ption factor TFIID. The transcriptional activity of HeLa extracts was
depleted after chromatography on a rat affinity column, which specific
ally retained the polymerase II-specific factor TFIID: Direct interact
ion of Tat with holo-TFIID, composed of TATA-binding protein (TBP) and
associated factors (TAFs), was observed. Tat binds, through amino aci
ds 36-50, directly to the TBP subunit of TFIID. Our results suggest th
at Tat may transduce upstream or downstream regulatory signals by dire
ct interaction with the basal transcription factor TFIID.